Thursday, January 17, 2008

The dancing of the sword and panhandling for a drop in oil.

Crooks and Liars:

Check out the Panhandler-in-chief's sword dance video.

Hillary mentioned at MSNBC’s debate something about Bush begging for lower oil prices….
President Bush is over in the Gulf now begging the Saudis and others to drop the price of oil,” Clinton said. “How pathetic.”

More like a sad case...


airJackie said...

That's why he's called the clown.
Sucking up to the Saudi King and begging for oil. I must give the Saudis credit they really knew and idiot when they see one. They set George up long ago by feeding him money with his failed businesses. They even had Bandar Bush keep an eye on the idiot just to make sure their plan was working. Cheney was easy because of his greed. I must say most of the foreign countries learned well. It's like the Mafia who would give you what you wanted but said they would ask you a favor later. Yes you kept going to the water hold for money again and again until the favor was called in. If you didn't reply you know the rest. Now the Saudis aren't going to break anyone leg they will just call in their loans. Yes while also holding the majority shares of US Economy and banks. While Americans were believing the lies told by the Bush Administration, Goldman Sachs has been doing inside trading to get wealthy and Paulson the US Treasury Secretary uses his job for his personal business and has gone international with the help of Alan Greenspan. Yes the big business friends of the White House know the deal as American fall these people live on over seas with the US taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...


Just an embarrasement.