Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bush: 'My Job Is Not To ‘Defend Our NIE.’


When the intelligence community concluded that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003,

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said that President Bush “accepted the results of the NIE.” Earlier this week, Perino again insisted that Bush had never expressed “anything but support” for the NIE’s findings.
Yet in an interview with Fox News that aired last night, Bush made clear that he doesn’t share the NIE’s conclusions. While he admitted that the intelligence officials were probably “sincere” in what they wrote, he refused to say whether he believed them:

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you believe — in December there was an intelligence report that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program as of 2003. Do you believe that?

BUSH: I believe that the intelligence professionals are very sincere in their analysis. That should not say to people that Iran is not a threat. […]
I believe they want a weapon, and I believe that they’re trying to gain the know-how as to how to make a weapon under the guise of a civilian nuclear program. He then added that “frankly,” it “should not be for me to have to defend our NIE.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Bush has no job he is told what to do and what to say. If given to speak on his own well he's just stupid. The White House has known for a long time Iran wasn't building Nukes, it was just another lie to get countries to support bombing Iran for Israel. Now most Americans with their head in the sand don't realize that the Palistanians are supported fully by Iran. Take out Iran and they have nothing. It's all about controlling the land as Isreal was allowed to settle they in 1947. Every plan the US and Isreal have done with their lies has failed.