Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Joint Chiefs Chairman: Close Gitmo.

Guardian UK:

The chief of the U.S. military said he favors closing the prison here as soon as possible because he believes negative publicity worldwide about treatment of terrorist suspects has been “pretty damaging” to the image of the United States.

“I’d like to see it shut down,” Adm. Mike Mullen said Sunday in an interview with three reporters who toured the detention center with him on his first visit since becoming chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff last October.

His visit came two days after the sixth anniversary of the prison’s opening in January 2002. He stressed that a closure decision was not his to make and that he understands there are numerous complex legal questions the administration believes would have to be settled first, such as where to move prisoners.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Look for him to be fired when the Liar-in-Chief comes back from his vacation. Don't forget about the others who voiced their opinion they got fired for it. The Gerbil's policy is " If your not with me your against me". It doesn't matter how wrong he is Crime pays in America, under the Bush Administration.