Tuesday, January 15, 2008

NYT editors undercut Vampire Kristol’s column on Iraq.


In his New York Times column yesterday, Bill Kristol trumpeted Iraq’s new de-Baathification law, noting that Democrats are no longer able to “deprecate the military progress and political reconciliation taking place on the ground by harping on the failure of the Iraqi government to pass the benchmark legislation.” But in today’s paper, The Times’s editorial board sharply rebukes Kristol’s claims on the de-Baathification law:

What should have been heralded as an accomplishment, however, may only serve to further reinforce the bumbling nature of President Bush’s ill-conceived adventure in Iraq.

No one, it seems, has a clear sense of what the law will do. Some suggest it could actually exclude more former Baathists than it lets in — a sure-fire way to fuel political tensions rather than calm them.

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