Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Democracynow.org: Bush's plans to sell Saudi Arabia missiles.

·Bush Visits Saudi Arabia as U.S. Plans Sale of 900 Missiles to Kingdom

The Bush administration has announced plans to sell Saudi Arabia around $120 million in sophisticated bombs. The sale would come as part of the White House’s $20 billion military aid package to its Gulf allies. The announcement came as President Bush began a two-day visit to Saudi Arabia for meetings with Saudi King Abdullah. We speak with Craig Unger, author of “House of Bush, House of Saud.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

That deal was sealed when the Saudi King ordered Cheney to come to his country the day after Thanksgiving. Now if the Bush Administration doesn't complete the deal their will be hell to pay.
Americans believed the bull Bush gave about the Saudis being friends well let's look at the facts. More Saudi men were involved in 9/11, Iraq bombings and in Afghanistan. Becarfull who you call your friend, as the Saudis are brothers to Iran. Who do they pick Family or Friends?