Friday, November 16, 2007

Two Criminals launch activist group.

What the &***@?????

Two polarizing Republican political figures have joined forces to launch an organization that will seek to counter Democratic message groups on a wide range of issues.
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) explained in an interview on Thursday that he and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell opted to promote the Coalition for a Conservative Majority (CCM) in conservative-leaning media markets rather than the more traditional method of focusing on swing congressional districts.

The markets, which include Houston; Scranton, Pa.; Pittsburgh; West Palm Beach, Fla.; Denver; Colorado Springs, Colo.; Phoenix and Las Vegas were identified by DeLay as areas where Democratic organizations will also be focusing their efforts in the coming months.

“There was a real void at the grassroots level … we are going to connect many things that already exist with a governing coalition,” Blackwell said, adding that the group was created in an attempt to complement other conservative organizations rather than compete with them.

“We don’t need to recreate a national policy shop,” he said. Blackwell lost to then Rep. Ted Strickland (D) in last year’s Ohio gubernatorial race.
DeLay stressed the 501(c) 4 organization will focus only on matters that are important to conservatives and would play no role in political campaigns.
More on the story.


airJackie said...

DeLay needs a group that will help the GOP get back in office so he can get his criminal charges dropped. Yes the bug man is working hard with the money the people are giving him. Good honest hard working people who obey the law get their tax dollars stolen by the GOP while criminals like Libby, Delay, Bernie and now Gonzo have Defense funds to get money for their lawyers and personal use. Mikie and Mark have to get Cheney to make a new law that GOP criminals can't be charged with the crimes they commit.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Let them start up the group. Then Hillary can sic the IRS on their fake non-profit when she's president.