Friday, November 16, 2007

Showtime with Bush!

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The face of the man who destroyed a nation and the only US President found guilty by the United Nations for War Crimes. From his birth it was known this this child of George/Barbara Bush would be nothing but he knew he would be the one who brought the once great United States of America to it's knees. The Middle East worked hard for many years on this plan after finding the right idiot. Yes they feed the idiot money and got his trust while secretly plotting the plan. Now if the US had elected another smart President this wouldn't be happening today. But with the help of Rove/Cheney/ Daddy Bush and other criminals they knew if they used God's Name Americans would follow blindly and that's what happen. Yes if that did not work the Criminals had the US Supreme Court lined with Judges who would follow orders and they did. The Black Justice is insane so he was easy to use the others had to be paid off with big bucks and oil shares.