Friday, November 16, 2007

Cookie’s working vacation.


He probably called it a working vacation.

TPMm friend Nick Schwellenbach at POGO highlighted this a couple weeks back, but it's never too late to bring to your attention the travel photos of Howard "Cookie" Krongard, the embattled State Department inspector general.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Life has been great for 7 years as the money was free to all who were loyal to the criminal team of Bush/Cheney. Yes Cookie did good and let's hope he saved some of that free money. As the US Treasury has been robbed and we're in a 9 Trillion dollar debt it's time for the other Americans to pay up and clear up the debt. Yes if you lost your home by the criminals of sub prime you still have to pay. If you lost your job you still have to pay. Now as for those who are loyal to the GOP you don't have to pay a thing.