Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Space cadet Giuliani mocked by blogs for space invader answer.

From Raw Story:

When Rudy Giuliani was asked by a small child at a campaign stop in Exeter, NH on Sunday, "If we find that there is something living on another planet and it is bad and it comes over here, what would you do?" he milked the moment for all it was worth before replying confidently, "If we're properly prepared for all the different things that can happen to us, we'll be prepared for that as well."

Although mainstream reporting treated the incident as mildly entertaining, a few blogs have been scathing in their attacks. "Rudy knows that there is something bad out there -- and it wants to come over here. Moreover, he's pretty sure they're not Klingons," wrote one blogger.

"Truthfully Giuliani has about as much experience dealing with aliens as he does with the terrorist, so his answer makes sense," responded another, while a third suggested. "Granted, given Rudy’s history, he’ll probably put the emergency center in the White House." A poster at Democratic Underground added, "He may talk tough now. But you just know he'd be sucking up to our alien overlords before long."

However, Adam Nagourney in the New York Times commented that "if militant space aliens were to attack anywhere, Hollywood has confirmed time and again that they would attack major metropolitan cities like New York, which Giuliani has, by his own account, already saved once. Advantage: Giuliani."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

If the Aliens got Bush they would put him in the trash because he has nothing useful. After draining the alcohol from his body and removing the drugs there's nothing left not even a brain.

Rudy would meet the Aliens dressed in his fire suit and high heels and the Aliens would get the hell out of earth. Yes they would tell all the other planets that earth has a cross dresser in charge.

Mitt would call his attorneys and then as to have a private meeting with a female Alien. Yes Mitt will taken an Alien wife.