Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Laura Bush set to visit Middle East.

WASHINGTON: First Lady Laura Bush will visit the Middle East from October 20-26 to highlight the fight against breast cancer in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan, her office said yesterday.

“While in the region she will also visit several cancer treatment and screening centres and launch new cancer awareness activities. She will observe first-hand the US-Middle East Partnership for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research and discuss ways to expand its role,” the first lady’s spokeswoman, Sally McDonough, said.

In Jeddah, she will meet King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, and in Jordan King Abdullah II, McDonough added. – AFP More on the story.


airJackie said...

Smart move on Laura's part she can't take trips with George but she can go overseas alone. Now I say smart because her rich Texas boyfriend will most likely meet her as she cuts her trip short. Every woman needs to see their man from time to time. This way Laura doesn't have to worry about the Press following her. Got to give it to the chip lady she knows how to have those secret meetings.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what women in the Middle East think of her?