Friday, October 26, 2007

Girlfriday's lies are now catching up to her.


Man, is it a good thing Condoleezza Rice expressed "
regret" that State waited until last month to start reviewing its relationship with Blackwater. And it's particularly nifty that she isn't "personally following" every little multi-million dollar discrepancy, shenanigan or blooper.

Because then she might have to explain why State Department officials, back in 2005, chatted in internal e-mails about how Blackwater was killing Iraqi civilians and yet were outside the law:
Internal State Department e-mails, obtained by the Blotter on, show top officials were extensively briefed about repeated incidents of Blackwater security guards killing innocent civilians more than two years ago. ...

Yet, the e-mails show that State Department officials had extensive knowledge of a growing problem in the summer of 2005, and complained about a lack of a compensation program for civilian victims.

"Obviously it is not pleasant meeting with these individuals with nothing more to offer than apologies, condolences and vague promises," wrote a State Department security officer based in al Hillah, Michael Bishop, to his superiors at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Two years later, the State Department recommends making appropriate "condolence or compensation" payments, as well. And Iraqis love that!

It took two different questioners -- and a reversal of her initial position -- but Condoleezza Rice finally acknowledged that State should have acted earlier to rein in Blackwater. "I certainly regret that there was not the oversight that there should have been," she said. Was that so difficult?

Also, Waxman asked the bottom line question: is corruption cash from the Iraqi government funding attacks on the U.S.? No more retreating behind requests for a closed session or pleas to request sources and methods.
Rice: "There are militias being funded by multiple sources, including people who are able to use the Iraqi system to bring funding to their militias, yes, especially in the south." She said, however, that it would get worse if Iran could fund Shiite militias unimpeded in the wake of a U.S. withdrawal.

Check out Condigate:


airJackie said...

The United Nations is waiting to file charges against Girlfriday. She wont be buying the expensive shoes much longer, we'll see her at a PayLess Store when they have their sale.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Shug wants to do well, so she will get advice from some people who know something about the Middle East:

Carter and Clinton

I'm sorry, this is HILARIOUS!!!! Yes, I know it is common for people to get advice from others but she knows she is at the bottom of a well and needs a rope thrown.