Friday, October 26, 2007

TP: one of America’s ‘most dangerous organizations.’


conservative front group Family Security Matters (FSM) today released its list of “The Ten Most Dangerous Organizations in America.” ThinkProgress earned the 10th spot in the rankings. FSM writes that these 10 “hate” organizations are “growing powerful in the world of politics” and share a common “unwillingness to bend in their strictly biased view of the world.” FSM’s board of advisers includes Frank Gaffney, Barbara Comstock, and Laura Ingraham. Here are 10 most dangerous organizations:

10) ThinkProgress
9) Muslim Student Association
8) CodePINK
7) American Civil Liberties Union, National
6) Family Research Council
5) Center for American Progress
4) League of the South
2) Universities and Colleges
1) Media Matters for America

And Fox News is not on this list... LOL!

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