Thursday, October 25, 2007

While checking the Dubai markets at night, Supreme Leader takes a snooze during Cabinet meeting on wildfires.

During a cabinet meeting yesterday, Vice President Cheney fell asleep on camera while President Bush was discussing wildfires in California. A Cheney spokeswoman “laughed it off,” telling CNN that the vice president was “practicing meditation.” CNN’s chyron reported that Cheney was seen “meditating” — rather than sleeping — during the cabinet meeting


airJackie said...

Dubai is wise to Cheney and they will make sure he gets what he deserves. Now as for Cheney's sleeping sickness well it comes with age. Some old wives tales have said the more you have uncontrollable sleep the closer you get to death. Now we'll have to see if that's true or not. I watch the King of Dubai on 60 minutes and he will make sure Cheney walks out empty.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is keeping middle Eastern hours, and our day is their night, that's why you don't see him much during the day, he seems to be more awake later at night.

Jackie he is too mean and evil to die soon.

Anonymous said...

Ok I had a chance to watch, no wonder he fell asleep, the Gerbil was talking, and everyone else in the room was having a hard time paying attention too.

PrissyPatriot said...

Mean and he is an evil robot like man