Friday, August 24, 2007

Texas Carries Out 400th Execution - King George Wants To End Appeals Process For Death Row Inmates

A man convicted of shooting dead a store clerk during a robbery has become the 400th person to be executed by Texas since the US Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976.
The southern state accounts for almost a third of the 1,091 American executions over the last three decades, and this year it will be responsible for almost two thirds - 21 out of 35 judicial killings so far.
About 14 protestors gathered outside the Huntsville Unit in Huntsville, Texas, as Johnny Conner - who has never confessed to his crime - was executed by lethal injection last night.
Conner, 32, was convicted in 1999 of killing Kathyanna Nguyen, 49, by shooting her in the face during an attempted robbery of the Houston petrol station and convenience store where she worked.
“What is happening to me now is unjust and the system is broken,” Conner said as he lay strapped to the execution gurney. Read more…
End of appeals process by King George? And I wonder what is the percentage of minorities that are in appeal process...


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is taking this country back decades if not centuries. How long will it take the next administration to get this country back up to speed?

airJackie said...

Yes Bush is taking us backward and the US is looking more like Saddam's law. How many innocent people are being executed by mistake. Bush/Gonzales want to remove Appeals for convicts and let people just be killed. Next we'll see the same thing that happen before when black people were executed for entertainment and sport. Yes many people both black and white died for black Americans to get equal rights. I hope Americans remember that past and don't let it happen again.