Friday, August 24, 2007

Hot or Not? Open Thread.

For the JL Ladies:


or Not?

That is the question. LOL!


airJackie said...

Putin is hot Bush is not

I couldn't believe how fine Putin looked with his shirt off. Now he's called the sexist President in the world. The picture proves it.

Bush is a drunken druggie and looks like a Gerbil. His body wouldn't evern be good for study it's so bad. That lime illness really did a number his him. He's starting to look as old as his Daddy. No wonder Connie put her name in the WANT AD. He just keeps falling of the bike and looking stupid. Now I know he is really mad about Putins picture in every news media around the world. I saw it on BBC News. Not only can Putin dress GQ but he has the body to fill out the suit. Now George has his friends who are paid to tell him how good he looks while after he's gone they all laugh at how stupid he looks.

jan said...

He may look good w/out a shirt but he still scares me.

PrissyPatriot said...

I know he's former KGB, but geez louise- that's one hot prez!

And he speaks better English than Dubya!LOL

Patriot Girl said...

Ick... gag me.
What the heck is Gerbil riding there B-man? Also - this is a new atmosphere for the comments. Will I be able to read them after I post then?
We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Well both these guys are way too close to my parents age for me to seriously look at them....well like that.
But the Gerbil always looks like an imbecile, that is a natural thing for him.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Putin for the next Bond movie.

Oh, I can't stop laughing at my own comment.

SP Biloxi said...

"Putin for the next Bond movie."

LMAO! Ask Jackie that question. And if Putin is the next Bond, what does that make the Gerbil?