Friday, August 24, 2007

Pervert TV: Fingers Foley likely to face no charges.

From Thinkprogress:

Scripps Howard News Service reports that former congressman Mark Foley “is unlikely to face criminal charges for sending sexually explicit e-mails to teenage boys. … That could change if new evidence surfaces in the next week that proved Foley, 52, sent online messages to male teenagers with the intent to ’seduce, solicit, lure, entice, or attempt to seduce a child,’ a third-degree felony under Florida law.” The House has refused to let Florida investigators examine Foley’s congressional computers, stating that they are “congressional work papers” and only Foley can release them.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Yes it's legal in Flordia and Texas to molest kids but not in the rest of the United States. Now watch what happens to Fingers Foley in California where he will be charged. Most of the families were paid to not speak about the attacks on their kids but when the money runs out people will speak out. Dennis Hastert is glad Florida wont charge Fingers because he allowed this to happen for many years and did nothing to stop it. Fingers was allowed to not only molest kids but he was appoint Child Protect Chairmen so he could do a background on his victims.