Friday, August 24, 2007

Baghdad Kristol: Let’s ‘Stretch Our Army And Marines’ For ‘Another Year Or So’ In Iraq

Kristol lost his mind...

From Thinkprogress:

On Fox News this morning, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol said that the escalation in Iraq should be extended at least “another six months” or even “another year or so.” “Is the cost of losing in Iraq great enough that we need to stretch our Army and Marines for another year or so,” asked Kristol rhetorically. “I think the President’s gonna make that decision.”
Kristol also attempted to spin the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) released yesterday, which described a failure of the escalation to successfully provide sufficient security for Iraqis, heralding it as proof that “the surge clearly is working” and that current troop levels should be maintained for “another six months or so.”


KittyBowTie1 said...

Kristol never had a mind.

The 'smart' one of the conservative irritants is Brit Hume, and he comes with no personality. He's just not interesting enough to watch to see if he gets it right or if he drinks from the same Kool Aid as the others.

SP Biloxi said...

Kristol, Brit, Falafel King, Asswipe Hannity and the rest of Faux Noose needs to be launched in the next shuttle to be dumped to the nearest planet without a return flight.

airJackie said...

Kristol never served in the US Military but he's quick to say others can stay in Iraq and die. I notice most of those yelling for stay the course never went to serve the US when they were needed. Oh yes Tweety was in the safe Peace Corp. and did nothing but camp out at a US National Forest. Why is the media giving Kristol air time.