Friday, August 24, 2007 Jose Padilla Sues Donald Rumsfeld, 59 Other Officials

The Christian Science Monitor is reporting Jose Padilla is suing former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and 59 other US officials for psychologically abusing him while he was held as an enemy combatant from 2002 to 2006. The lawsuit was filed earlier this year but his lawyers did not disclose it until this week.


KittyBowTie1 said...

OK, look at the wording of the latest poll. There are two different questions in one.

Now, for the link to the Osama on a horse thing from the Kavkaz Center--this is important. For a while, I was able to track if the site was legit from people sympathetic to the Chechen rebels (for sake of a better word) or, if the site was actually a faked Russian FSB site set up to look like the other one to track visitors and gather information on the Chechen rebels. That became very time consuming, and frankly, it was way more fun to blog with you folks than track a Web site to see if it was legit or not.

Excuse me, while I go find out . . .

SP Biloxi said...

"Excuse me, while I go find out . . ."

LOL! Fill in the potholes, Agent kittybowtie. ;-)

KittyBowTie1 said...

My usual sources are distracted with the Russian train bombing from last week, so I do not know for certain.

Based on my unscientific laugh factor, I think the Osama picture is on the fake FSB site. The difference is their site always had more professional language while the Chechen 'rebel' site which kept getting shut down no matter which country it was in had a more hilarious propaganda factor.

Dear FSB--If you would like to fool people better, please consider using the word "martyr" more often.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty stop taking those pills and calm down.
This case will be one that shows the US held this man illegally and tortured him so he is now brain dead. We will see that most of thes people held really don't have anything to do with Al Queada but we're torturning them in to lying.
As Bush/Gonzales want to remove Appeals for convicts and just kill them anything goes with this country will the Dictator is in charge. People can be arrested for speaking out about the crimes of the President and other GOP officials. We can be arrested without being charged or even rights to an attorney.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Actually, I was way off topic and I wasn't writing about Padilla at all. Sometimes I post on old topics and stick those on the newest topics. Biloxi posts so many links in one day, it's hard for me to keep up with the old stuff, so sometimes I write about it with the new stuff.

I'm sure I totally confused everyone now!

SP Biloxi said...


There is so much going on everyday in news that I try to post many of the important stuff before overloading everyone on the post. That is why I have to archive a lot of my postings. But, many of the postings I save as a draft to read and post later on. And since everyone is on different schedules, it can be confusing at times when you post something that is and old topic into a new topic. You may want to put a footnote that you are making a comment of a particular topic from a prior posting.

Finally, I haven't post much all day since I was on assignment and I had very differculty getting good perception on my laptop. Also, Starbucks stores are now charging people for internet connections.