Sunday, July 15, 2007

WH refuses to criticize Iraqi lawmakers’ vacation.

From Thinkprogress:

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow dismissed concerns of the Iraqi parliament’s August recess, even though President Bush promised in May that Vice President Cheney would persuade them to skip it. Steve Benen notes that several conservative senators, who initially criticized the Iraqi lawmakers, are now silent: “Are the stay-the-course Republicans going to do anything about it? If the past week is any indication, they’ll bluster a bit before doing what they always do — acceding to the president’s demands.”

And the blinders will be on for the GOP on this..

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Yes our troops are being killed everyday as the Iraq government takes a vacation. Yes and now they have money to spend. The inside robbery of the bank in the Green Zone netted $280 Million American dollars as the entire Green Zone is controlled by the United States Military. Nice vacation money and not paid for Bush/Cheney either. Oh yes the robbery was blamed on Iraqis against the US.