Sunday, July 15, 2007

Wes Clark on the Bubble Boy Bush

From Crooks and Liars:

Keith Olbermann spoke to Gen. Wes Clark (Ret.) on Thursday’s Countdown about the bewildering disconnect between the White House and the reports coming out about Iraq and the strengthening of Al Qaeda.

CLARK: …I think this is an administration that has really walled itself off inside the White House. I think you got a president who fighting for his personal survival. I don’t know how he’s surviving without a flow of accurate information, but he is. And he continues to say things and deny the obvious. I’m sure there’s some heated discussions among his aides, but I think they understand that he desires to be kept insulated and from what I’ve talked to, members of Congress and others, who have seen him in recent weeks and recent months. He has done everything he can to wall himself off from what we believe is the truth.

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