Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bush to veto children’s health insurance expansion.

From Thinkprogress:

"The White House said on Saturday that President Bush would veto a bipartisan plan to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program,” which is set to expire Sept. 30. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bipartisan plan “would reduce the number of uninsured children by 4.1 million.”

Folks, go see the Michael Moore's film, Sicko!!! The healthcare system is broken and now King George will veto the Children Health Insurance Program.


airJackie said...

Why is anyone surprised at this. Fingers Foley is allowed to molest kids that he gets from his Government Website as he was head of the Protect the Children. Gonzo wont let guards be charged with molesting kids and tells the parents he wont do anything to protect these kids. Bush has other things on his mind like getting more of the US Treasury money so these kids will just have to die like the troops that are being killed everyday. Americans must be dumb or something as for 6 years Bush has taken every dollar from Americans and gives nothing.

Anonymous said...

Remember the children in this country made the Unicef list under this administration, and they just want to make sure they are on the list.