Saturday, July 14, 2007

Karl Rove: From Aide to Architect.

A 1973 missive from Bush strategist Karl Rove has surfaced among thousands of Nixon administration documents this week, reports the New York Times.
A young and ambitious Rove wrote to RNC co-chair and Nixon counselor Anne Armstrong with ideas to strengthen the Republican party by assembling and motivating students.

Mr. Rove, then a 22-year-old aide on Capitol Hill, was planning a run to become chairman of the College Republicans, a position he would ultimately win twice. So he wrote to Anne Armstrong, then counselor to Nixon. Mrs. Armstrong had been co-chairman of the Republican National Committee, and therefore Mr. Rove’s ultimate boss the previous year when he was executive director of the college group.
In his memorandum, Mr. Rove offered suggestions, from having college Republican clubs show “nonpolitical films for fund-raising (e.g. John Wayne flicks, ‘Reefer Madness’)” to developing a “Student Guide to Lobbying” with a “forward by Bush/Nixon.” That, of course, would be the elder George Bush, then chairman of the Republican National Committee, through whom Mr. Rove first met the current occupant of the White House.
Mr. Rove’s memorandum also proposes building a group of “New Federalism Advocates,” modeled on “Friends of Nixon,” a Nixon campaign committee. The group would have representatives from each state who, Mr. Rove suggested, could meet in Washington for “extensive briefings” with top administration officials like John D. Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman.

NY Times article can be read HERE.


airJackie said...

The Students of Nixon learned and learned well on how to corrupt and take control of the United States of America. Yes even now the corrupt team has placed the Courts with those who follow orders. The famous Supreme Court 5 who will bring back the pass and dismantle the Constitution. As Gonzo, Miers, Rove and yes baby George plus the Dickster all continue to slap the face of Americans the Highest Court has been taken over. Now we'll see Clarence Thomas do as he's told then he'll be ordered to step down as Minorities can't hold that job. Woman will be back in the Kitchen where they belong. At lease Andrea Mitchell will have to learn how to be a housewife to Mr. Greenspan. All the elected female Senators, Congresswoman and House of Reps. will have to give up their seats to men. Prostitutes will be back in business to entertain the elected officials. Who knows maybe Bush and Cheney will stay in office for another 8 years just to make sure the mission is completed. Oh yes the Religious Church leaders will be back saying God wanted them to have money and alot of it. Ralph Reed will be back in the pit selling lies. Fingers Foley will be given his job back to head the department of saving the kids from molesters.
The US will be in so much chaos that any country can come in an take over. Just think of it once the most powerful country in the world brought down by the Nixon play book and the idiots who executed it as the American people set back and were only interested in voting for the next American Idol.

PrissyPatriot said...

Andrea Mitchell will have to learn how to be a housewife to Mr. Greenspan LOL

Oh, I wanna watch...she'll be feeding him and changing the old boys diapers soon!