Saturday, July 14, 2007

McCain: 'Gay' sweaters sunk my campaign.

And I didn't know that sweaters or any wardrobe had a sexual orientation labeled.. I better check my own wardrobe...

Reported from Thinkprogress:

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reportedly is complaining about his aides forcing him to wear “gay sweaters” in order to look younger:

According to one insider, the knit-picking was the crescendo of a tirade by the Arizona senator, in which he blistered aides about the minutiae of the campaign. … McCain reportedly declared his frustration with being told to don the perceived homosexual outerwear in order to look younger and more approachable.

From Cliff Schecter:

Nope, not the walk in the Baghdad market, his support for a ridiculous war, his flip-flopping on evolution, abortion, Falwell, Bob Jones, campaign finance reform, lobbying reform and every other issue.Not his temper, his ambition or his obstinence. Gay sweaters have done him in:

In the final days of his imploding candidacy, John McCain has taken a page out of Richard Nixon's play book, finding increasingly bizarre explanations for his political failures. Strangest of all: He reportedly feels his handlers forced him to wear "gay sweaters."According to one insider, the knit-picking was the crescendo of a tirade by the Arizona senator, in which he blistered aides about the minutiae of the campaign. While many septuagenarians live in a perpetual state of sweater weather, McCain reportedly declared his frustration with being told to don the perceived homosexual outerwear in order to look younger and more approachable."He wasn't happy being dictated to. The sweaters were part of that," the source says.

Sweaters don't make you gay or younger, Mr. McCain, just more hypocritical for you!


airJackie said...

All the people who gave money to McCain's campaign should ask for their money back. Now that it's known that the money was used for sexual favors. No wonder McCain has no money his staff used it for immoral activity. He will be campaigning for Fred Thompson in a few weeks. If not he'll be asking Rudy or Mitt for favors. Once a man now nothing but a loser.

Anonymous said...

It's not the sweaters McCain, and that comment on gay sweaters just put another nail in the campaign coffin, of course it is another day another nail.