Saturday, July 14, 2007

Maliki to the U.S.: Your presence is no longer needed.

From the Carpetbagger Report:

Today, Nouri al Maliki effectively said our presence is no longer needed.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Saturday that the Iraqi army and police are capable of keeping security in the country when American troops leave “any time they want,” though he acknowledged the forces need further weapons and training.

The embattled prime minister sought to show confidence at a time when congressional pressure is growing for a withdrawal and the Bush administration reported little progress had been made on the most vital of a series of political benchmarks it wants al-Maliki to carry out.

Al-Maliki said difficulty in enacting the measures was “natural” given Iraq’s turmoil.

But one of his top aides, Hassan al-Suneid, rankled at the assessment, saying the U.S. was treating Iraq like “an experiment in an American laboratory.” He sharply criticized the U.S. military, saying it was committing human rights violations, embarrassing the Iraqi government with its tactics and cooperating with “gangs of killers” in its campaign against al-Qaida in Iraq.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I guess Maliki has enough money now as the Green Zone bank was robbed $280 Million American money. Bush's puppet is ready to fly alone. Looks like Iran is moving in to take control using Maliki as the front man. Russia gave Bush their but to kiss, now Iraq is doing the same. Looks like the money will stop so Cheney has to come back on TV and say Osama, Al Qaeda, terrorist and 9/11. If things go to bad for the Bush Administration they will say Saddam isn't dead he's alive and could attack the US. As for Bin Ladin he is vacationing and laughing at he United States act like idiots.