Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cavs vs. Spurs

Sigh... The Spurs beat LeBron James' team, the Cavs in the NBA playoffs last night. At least LeBron saved Libby his favorite seat if he only showed up. ;-)

1 comment:

airJackie said...

That's a cute little Libby chair maybe you can send it to the jail for him to use at dinner time.
Libby was living large and going to the basketball games and now it's all over. Libby was willing to give up his freedom to save Dick Cheney. If the White House cared at all about Libby Bush would have already pardon him. Libby will have a hard time in the jail as only real men can last in that place and even then some don't. Most people forget Libby is a smart lawyer but he gambled on trying to trick the Judge and lost. Judge Walton gave more to Libby's defense then needed because he wanted to be fair. Wells lied to the Judge and then tried to use lies for an appeal. I'm sure Judge Walton combed over all his decisions with the Assignment Judge of the Court. The Wilson's Judge will have a hard time not taking their case now as he sees how the Libby case went. The stupid move by the Libby supporters was to threaten Judge Walton.