Thursday, June 14, 2007

They can run but can’t hide.

From Slate:

What do those who believe voter fraud is a major national problem worthy of onerous voter identification laws have to hide?
In a recent Slate column, I noted the strange demise of the American Center for Voting Rights, an organization that sprouted up in the last few years to push the "voter fraud is a big problem" line at government hearings, conferences, and, most importantly, in the courts to defend strict new voter-ID laws. The brains behind ACVR is a St. Louis lawyer, Mark "Thor" Hearne, who has worked for the Bush-Cheney campaign and other Republican candidates for years. Oddly, the organization suddenly disbanded recently and yanked its Web site. Even more strangely, Hearne's résumé at his law firm, Lathrop and Gage, was scrubbed of references to ACVR. Thanks to the Internet Wayback Machine and blogs like the Brad Blog, much of ACVR's material still remains available, however. You just can't erase stuff put out in cyberspace very easily.
But Hearne apparently wasn't satisfied with just cleansing his résumé. Despite the Slate article and follow-up by NPR, National Journal, and St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Hearne, ACVR, and his possible connection to the U.S. attorneys' scandal, someone is working hard to scrub Hearne's paper trail. And now somebody is going into Hearne's Wikipedia entry and trying to cleanse it of references to ACVR. (Just about anyone can edit a Wikipedia entry, though the organizers have some methods of quality control.) Moreover, someone's been trying to clean up Wikipedia's entry on ACVR itself.

Who would do such a thing? Wikipedia keeps records of the user IDs or IP addresses of whoever changes its pages, and it turns out, astonishingly, that this cleansing was done by
someone at one of the IP addresses of Hearne's law firm.
It does raise a question: Just what is it about Hearne's work for ACVR that he or someone else at his firm is trying to hide?

From Brad Blog:
Loyola election law professor
Rick Hasen reports at his Election Law Blog today...
Someone Named Sam92077 Has Cleansed Thor Hearne's Wikipedia Entry to Remove References to the American Center for Voting Rights See here. The current cleansed page is here. Sam92077 does not appear to exist either. UPDATE: While I still don't know who Sam92077 is, the latest edit to the page (from ip address was done by someone at Hearne's law firm.

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