Friday, June 15, 2007

Bush awards slain soldier’s family with coloring books.

From Star Tribute:

As Jim and Dianna Beardsley tried to sort out the details of burying their slain soldier son at Arlington National Cemetery, Dianna Beardsley had a bold thought: They should try to get in to see President Bush to tell him of their continuing support of him and the war . . . The president gave them presidential medallion coins and coloring books for their son’s widow and two young children.[emphasis added] Then Bush heard the helicopter arriving and he hugged them goodbye.


airJackie said...

It's sad to see how people follow a liar without question. Bush uses the bible just as Judas did. This man's family gets lies, a coin and coloring books for his life. When these parents realize that Bush has been lying from day one, they will have to deal with the fact they followed Satan.

Anonymous said...

ya, right this is of real comfort to the families, especially when they see no progress which their family member died for.