Saturday, May 05, 2007

Number 2 guy of Bin Laden endorsed Bush's plan.

In a new video posted today on the Internet, al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al Zawahiri, mocks the bill passed by Congress setting a timetable for the pullout of U.S. troops in Iraq."This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap," Zawahiri says in answer to a question posed to him an interviewer.Continuing in the same tone, Zawahiri says, "We ask Allah that they only get out of it after losing 200,000 to 300,000 killed, in order that we give the spillers of blood in Washington and Europe an unforgettable lesson."
I thought this man is dead. And where is Bin Laden?


Anonymous said...

Isn't this just one more reason to get out?
Yes, he was supposed to be dead, apparantly intelligence is not so great, or the WH put that spin out there. Bin Laden? Seems this WH has forgot about him, chasing too many shadows, WMDs in Iraq, Saddam........

SP Biloxi said...

Ans we don't know if that tape is authetic..

Anonymous said...

With this administration we don't know what is authentic ever, why should this be any different.
These deaths/captures just seem to come at convient moments for the Gerbil Administration.

SP Biloxi said...

"These deaths/captures just seem to come at convient moments for the Gerbil Administration."

And paid pretty good hush money to certain people to keep this propaganda going on taxpayer's expense.