Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Chimpster’s message to America: “stay fit.”

Just before climbing on his mountain bike Saturday, President Bush urged people “to get up off their couches and walk, jog, pedal and swim“:
“It doesn’t take much time to stay fit - 30 minutes, five days a week,” Bush said at a Secret Service training facility just outside Washington where he went for a bike ride.
“I love exercise,” said the president, who was wearing biking shorts and lifted up his blue-and-white mountain bike to prove he was strong and fit. “I have found that exercise not only is a good excuse to get outdoors. It helps to relieve stress as well.”


jan said...

Bil, you just love this photo! ;D

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, LOL! It's Chicago Native's favorite pic. Just couldn't help it! An inquiries want to know what is doing with that carrot!

But, it is stupid ofthe Gerbil ti ask America to stay fit when he is the one who made cuts for programs in the health and wellness.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Chimp bike, and all the Queen activities going on including the horse races.
Yes news today type 2 diabetes in kids is rising, this costs everyone, this is also sad that it is taking away their youth and turning them into middle aged.
Diabetes sharp increase in children

Anonymous said...

He's probably showing that worker that just this one carrot is enough bait to get one bunny for stew.
Where did he get that sweater?
The other workers seem horrified for some reason.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, there are a lot of children with diabetes more than ever. Thanks for pointing that out, Chicago Native.

"Where did he get that sweater?"

LOL! Who knows what the Gerbil was thinking?