Saturday, May 05, 2007

Now Walmart labels nuns as a security threat

Now this is a ridiculous story...
The corporate giant reportedly labeled the nuns a security threat after they raised questions about Wal-Mart's business practices.
Sister Susan Mika is part of the Benedectine Sisters, which is part of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. The center has been questioning Wal-Mart's business practices for years.
"We've been raising questions with them for about 17 years, so it's not like they don't know it," Sister Mika said.
Now, the sisters find themselves on Wal-Mart's security threat list. Sister Mika said the group has been wrongly labeled.

More on the story.


jan said...

Dear Lord!

KittyBowTie1 said...

They must have gotten Boerne mixed up with Bourne, as in "The Bourne Identity."

Anonymous said...

Just one more reason not to support Walmart! I am glad we have Targets on the South Side and Walmart won't come in because they are afraid the big box ordanaince will pass and they will have to pay their workers better than minimum wage with benefits. That's OK here, we have plenty of Targets.

SP Biloxi said...

Watch for Walmart to fall from the top 20 very soon from Forbes. The company has gotten too many lawsuits..

Anonymous said...

Also people like me, and I am sure many others can not shop there in good concious knowing they are supporting this.