Saturday, May 05, 2007

Meet ‘The Eternal General' and Mr. 28 percent.

During remarks at a Cinco de Mayo ceremony at the White House, President Bush referred to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as the Eternal General.
NPR’s Don Gonyea reported on the incident with audio of Bush’s remarks:
The President’s comments came during an early Cinco de Mayo ceremony on the South lawn of the White House. While introducing assorted dignitaries in attendance, Mr. Bush modified the Attorney General’s title.
BUSH: ‘I’m honored to be here with the eternal general of the United States, mi amigo Alberto Gonzales.’ He called him the eternal general. The president may have just slipped up, after all he is well-known as a public speaker prone to mangling the text on his page or maybe it’s another signal to those calling for Gonzalez to resign that if the president has his way, Alberto Gonzalez will be the Attorney General for a long time to come.
President Bush’s approval rating in a new Newsweek survey, “an all-time low for this president in our poll (28%), and a point lower than Gallup recorded for his father at Bush Sr.’s nadir.”

That's our mangler-in-chief...


Anonymous said...

How much tequilla was consumed by the Gerbil at the festivities?
Friday here, especially on the south side was Polish independence day, everyone had their red and white flags flying from their house, their car, everywhere! You don't realize how many of your neighbors are Polish until this holiday.

SP Biloxi said...

"How much tequilla was consumed by the Gerbil at the festivities?"

LMAO! You are too funny! The Gerbil drinks tequilla like Gatorade.

Happy belated Polish Independence day!