Monday, February 12, 2007

Who is Richard Hohlt?

In Robert Novak's testimony, Wells asked him about Richard Hohlt which Novak said that he is lobbyist and a friend. Here is what we know about Mr. Hohlt from an article:

The Bush Administration’s Drug Importation Task Force
Delivers Another Favor for the Prescription Drug Industry

The findings of the federal Drug Importation Task Force, which essentially continues a
legislative stalemate that prohibits importing prescription drugs from Canada, must be framed by
the fact that over half of its members (7 of 13) are Bush political appointees and there is not one
single outside expert on the panel. These political appointees owe their jobs to a President who
owes his job, at least in part, to extensive political contributions and support from the
pharmaceutical industry.

An investigation by Public Citizen reveals that the task force review on drug importation
occurred against a backdrop of lobbying of the Bush administration by some of its former senior
staff on behalf of the drug companies. A review of lobbyist registration forms has revealed that
seven former senior members of the administration are listed as on the specific issue of drug
importation, six of whom lobbied their former agency. But these seven are not the only people
who have passed through the revolving door between the Bush administration and the
pharmaceutical industry.

Public Citizen has compiled a list of at least 14 former Bush administration officials who
exploited their public service by leaving the administration for lucrative positions lobbying or
working for the pharmaceutical industry. Also listed are two former drug company executives
who have been placed in influential health policy positions within the Bush Administration.
Yet another tool used by the pharmaceutical industry to sway the position of the Bush
administration is campaign contributions. A Public Citizen analysis shows that at least $2.2
million was raised for Bush’s two presidential campaigns by 13 drug company executives and
their leading lobbyists by bundling together contributions from employees, colleagues and

Bush Fundraisers Who Are Executives or Lobbyists of Pharmaceutical Companies

Here is one of the lobbyist:

Name: Richard F. Hohlt Lobbyist
Employer: Hohlt & Co.
Funraiser: (Client: Bristol-Myers Squibb)
Status:Pioneer 2000
Ranger 2004

Miminum raised:$300,000

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