Monday, February 12, 2007 The Iraq plot...

The Organization of the Intoxication System

First, we have to recall that the decision to attack Iraq was not made in 2002 but on September 29, 1998 when the US Congress passed a law about the liberation of Iraq [3] as a result of a campaign carried out by the ultra-conservative clan of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) [4] , the electoral think-tank (center of investigation, propaganda and spreading of ideas, generally of a political nature) of George W. Bush. Then, it was about overthrowing Saddam Hussein, not about disarming him [5] .
President Clinton had refused to implement this decision of Congress. However, since his nomination as candidate, and even before he assumed power, President Bush planned its implementation. In effect, during the transfer of powers in the Pentagon, on January 9, 2001, Bush interrupted the generals who were briefing him and asked them about what plans they had prepared to attack Iraq [6] .
George W. Bush hesitated to use the September 11 attacks as a pretext to invade Iraq but he finally decided to take advantage of them to attack Afghanistan [7] . In order to please the domestic public opinion, the Bush administration had to find a way to present such a colonial expedition as an answer of legitimate defense. Therefore, a pretext for war was necessary.
The intoxication operation was carried out following direct orders from the White House and the Pentagon. It was directly headed by Lewis “Scotter” Libby, head of the Vice-President’s Office, and by Douglas J. Feith, Defense Under-Secretary in charge of political planning, both under the command of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
Being an international lawyer, Libby became known defending Jewish personalities of the mafia, such as Marc Rich [8]. Douglas J. Feith is also an international attorney, awarded by the US Zionist Organization. His partner in the Feith & Zell association is the spokesman of an organization of Israeli settlers. Feith himself was an advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and he advocates for Israel’s annexation of all Palestinian territories and the deportation to Iraq of the inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank.

More on the story.

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