Monday, February 12, 2007

A following to an ex-CIA agent, 'Doe' who is suing CIA

I thought I do some research on an article that I read last year of a John Doe that sued Porter Goss:

This is article that was on Marcy Wheeler's website some time ago:

This is the chronology described in Doe's complaints:

1995 Doe informed his status changed from contract to staff; he subsequently received normal staff paychecks and promotions
1995 Doe assigned to DO/CPD
2000 Intelligence that contradicted previous intelligence judgment first suppressed
2001 Intelligence gathered from respected asset suppressed
2001 Actionable intelligence suppressed2002 Doe informed a recent promotion and medal would be withheld until he stopped handling the respected asset
2002 Doe instructed to falsify report gathered from particular asset (apparently different from "respected" asset)
2002 or 2003 Almost entirely redacted allegation about an asset
2003 Counter-Intelligence investigation for having sex with female asset begins; CPD chief also tells Doe Pavitt thinks Doe is blackmailing him, presumably over the fact Pavitt buried the intelligence
September 2003 Doe placed on administration leave; told Pavitt would withhold the promotion and medal
May 2004 Doe informed he was under CIA OIG investigation for embezzlementJune 2004 Pavitt retires
July 2004 Doe meets with OIG inspectors
September 2004 Doe terminated (after officially being informed in August)--and informed he was a contractor and therefore not eligible for normal termination procedures/appeals
December 6, 2004 Doe files wrongful termination suit
December 8, 2004 Doe meets with OIG investigators in presence of lawyer
March 2005 Two pseudonymous CIA managers, one the former CPD head, demand that Doe not appear in court in person
April 2005 Doe informed OIG investigations terminated with no finding a wrongdoing

Here is the motion to dismiss.

Here is Doe's complaint.

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