Monday, February 26, 2007

Soldiers deal with “stressed” mental health system.

This is sad...

“Many Iraq war soldiers, veterans and their families are not getting needed psychological help because a stressed military’s mental health system is overwhelmed and understaffed, a task force of psychologists found.” The group’s report cited such problems as a “40 percent vacancy rate in active duty psychologists in the Army and Navy, resources diverted from family counselors and a weak transition for veterans leaving the military.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From what I have been hearing from people I know over there, and their friends family etc, same stories, big big mess, don't know who is who and what is what, and getting worse and worse, the situation is deteriorating day by day.
Most vets get pretty messed up, my grandfathers- WWII, Dad -Vietnaum, It's a bad waste of good people, sad really sad and no end in sight