Monday, February 26, 2007

Media Is Missing The Story

It’s an amazing thing to watch Dick Cheney and this administration put forward their spin to an unquestioning media. This morning, the NYT and the AP tell us that Cheney stopped over in Pakistan to give President Musharraf a warning that he needs to do a better job fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban in North Waziristan. Musharraf responds by telling Cheney in essence “show me the proof that Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are in Pakistan, and I’ll do something.”

Musharraf knows that Cheney and the rest of the Administration haven’t been too concerned about finding Bin Laden. He also knows that Al Qaeda’s resurgence in North Waziristan came about as a direct result of the treaties with local tribal leaders that Cheney and Bush encouraged Musharraf to do. Yet you wouldn’t have known this from reading the NYT account or the AP account of this visit. All you get is the White House approved image that Cheney sent a tough message to Musharraf.


Anonymous said...

Cheney's priority is oil. He has no other clear plan, but to cause fear in the American people and call it Al Quada, he can't use Saddam anymore, he is long gone, and not an ounce of improvement after the capture of execution is showing up in Iraq.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, the oil. Cheney's love affair.