Monday, February 26, 2007

Congratulations to Al Gore!

Pressed by Best Actor nominee Leonardo DiCaprio to announce something important at the 79th Academy Awards on Sunday night, former Vice President Al Gore – an Oscar nominee himself for his hit global warming documentary – took a little too long to get to the 'kicker,' so the orchestra drowned him out.
Gore appeared as a special guest of DiCaprio's, who told the crowd that the Oscars had turned green, as he used the occasion to call on the US government to introduce legislation that would enforce a reduction of carbon emissions.

"Cleaner cars, energy efficient homes, and green building help reduce greenhouse gas emissions," DiCaprio said in a statement issued Sunday before the ceremony.

"We need our leaders in Washington to listen to the growing chorus of scientists and experts saying that we must put in place binding emission reductions to combat global warming," DiCaprio's statement continued.

After DiCaprio lauded Gore for helping to raise awareness about global warming, he prodded him into revealing his 2008 plans in a "major, major announcement."
After saying that he was "just here for the movies, Leo," Gore said he hadn't planned on it, but feeling inspired he attempted to read a prepared speech – that is, until the orchestra cut him off.

"I guess with a billion people watching, it's as good a time as any," said Gore. "So my fellow Americans, I'm going to take this opportunity, here and now, to formally announce my intentions..."

Crooks and Liars has a video clip of Gore's appearances at the Oscars
at this link, and Think Progress also has video here.


Anonymous said...

That is a good sign enough people have been paying attention to something worth paying attention about.

SP Biloxi said...

Al Gore's info on global warming in on the Oscar's website. That was announced at the Oscars. Smart move.