Monday, February 26, 2007

Mr. Peanuts rips the Veep

Transcript via ABC:

Stephanopoulos: Vice President Cheney, this week, has been very harsh on those kinds of measures in the Congress.


Cheney: "If we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Jack Murtha are suggesting, all we'll do is validate the Al Qaeda strategy. The al Qaeda strategy is to break the will of the American people.

Carter: Well, if you go back and see what Vice President Cheney has said for the last three or four years concerning Iraq, his batting average is abysmally low. He hasn't been right on hardly anything, in his prediction of what was going to happen; reasons for us going over there. And obviously, this is not playing into the hands of Al Qaida or the people who are causing violence and destruction over there, to call for a change in policy in Iraq.


Anonymous said...

" The al Qaeda strategy is to break the will of the American people."

or is this the Cheney strategy? (just change the verbage)

The _________ strategy is to _______the _________ of the American People.

Anonymous said...

My verbage
The Cheney strategy is to Screw the Hell out of the American people