Monday, February 12, 2007

Libby trial: Bob Novak is up! Part Five

Novak sitting there looking shiftily from right to left, kind of sitting back in the seat. He's got a three piece suit (like the one in the picture, but a yellow tie or some such thing. And he's wearing glasses. Maybe he noticed earlier that losing one's glasses is a good way to stall for time?!?!
Fitzgerald and Wells chatting about something–bench conference on something relating to Novak.
Libby is very animated right now, laughing with Jeffress. Whatever he said, they're both cracking up.
Novak has one cup of water to the side and one in front of him. He looks more comfortable than Judy, but not all that much more. But maybe that's because he looks shifty by his very nature? That took abotu 5 minutes or so. Jury now coming in.
I think Walton is getting tired–he's not as chatty as he was with the jury week before last.
[Wells up, I'll use W and RN]
RN: I'm a journalist, staffer for Sun Times, syndicated columnist, also a (clears throat) contributor for Fox, Bloomberg, editor in chief for Evans-Novak.
W: In 2003 who did you work for?
RN Sun Times, CNN. Exec producer for Capital game [His voice sounds A LOT more nasaly than normal], been political commentator since 1963.
Wells: Work history.
RN: goes through military service, AP, Evans, since Evans retirement.
Now Novak is sitting up on edge of seat.
W: Week of July 7 2003.
RN: Change of coutnerterrorism aide, Ms. Townsend, and several small stories ran in item, working on Amb Joe Wilson's mission to Niger which he had written about.
W How did you come to be working on Wilson column
RN: Previous Sunday, alleged attempt by Iraq to buy yellowcake from Niger, he had written op-ed, he was on MTP, I happened to be on roundtable and came in contact with him, had been interested in story, became more interested in it, and whether Pres had ignored report in opting for invasion of Iraq.
Wells, itnroduces the column.

More on Novak's testimony.

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