Monday, February 12, 2007

Libby Trial: David Sanger is Up! Part Four

Jeffress: Spell your name, What do you do for a living. [I'll use J and DS]
DS Chief Washington correspondant for Times. For 20 years, just a few monts as Wash Correspondant, before that WH correspondant.
J June 2003,
DS I was one of the WH correspondants.
J Have you written on nonproliferation?
DS extensively.
J Have you received a Pulitzer? And topics.
DS Two teams. Space Shuttle Challenger. Exports to China
J Part of your job to gather info from WH? Goes through agencies, background, deep background, OTR. They're common terms? Do you accept info from Admin officials on background? Off the record?
DS [to the last, off the record] As rarely as possible.
J Why do you do that?
DS People will only speek off the record. The only way to obtain important info that we feel is needed to explain situation. We prefer it to be on the record.
J Late June, July 2003, story on intell. co-authors?
DS James Risen, Tom Shakar, Don Van Natta,
J Article dated July 20, is that the article you were working on?
J Was Scooter Libby one of the people you interviewed? Among how many?
DS Well more than a dozen, perhaps 2 dozen.
J Date of interview
DS Early July 2003.

More on Sanger;s testimony.

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