Monday, February 12, 2007

Rove may not testify in the Libby trial

Bad move by the defense.. The jurors will not forget Wells' opening statement about Libby being a scapegoat for Rove:

Top Bush adviser Karl Rove is unlikely to testify at the CIA leak trial of former Cheney chief of staff Scooter Libby, sources tell CNN.

"As the defense begins its presentation in the CIA leak case on Monday, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove is not expected as of now to be called as a witness in the ongoing perjury and obstruction trial" of Libby, write CNN's Ed Henry and Kevin Bohn.

The article states that the latest news on Rove "marks a sharp departure from just last month, when the revelation that Rove and presidential counselor Dan Bartlett had received subpoenas informing them they may be called as part of Libby's defense presentation sparked a flurry of news reports suggesting the White House aides would be forced to provide testimony that was politically damaging to the president."

Henry and Bohn quote a source close to Rove that "the White House official has been told that his chances of being called as a defense witness are between 'zero and nil' at this point."

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