Friday, February 02, 2007

A Climate Left Behind

Isn't it sickening that Big Oil can announce their 10,000 sweepstakes to the world and our media doesn't cover it. Even though they have been talking about the new Global Warming report fairly regularly on the tube this morning—they haven't brought up the "propaganda for hire" point so far.

This Friday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will issue its fourth annual report on global warming, and it's expected to be a doozy.Put it to you this way: the only thing the world's scientists disagree on is how high sea levels will rise in response to the current warming trends, and the panel painstakingly went out of its way to include scientists who formerly disagreed with the global warming concept. In fact, one of the major criticisms of the IPCC is that it has hired too many corporatists and right-wingers. Not surprisingly, these hirings were made under pressure from the two Bush & the Reagan administrations.Ahead of that report comes this one:
Mountain glaciers are shrinking three times faster than they were in the 1980s, scientists have announced.
The World Glacier Monitoring Service, which continuously studies a sample of 30 glaciers around the world, says the acceleration is down to climate change.


Anonymous said...

A lot of disturbing things, that global warming in happening so fast,and that there has to be so much proof to prove it.

Anonymous said...

there are a lot of strange things happening in the environment
Strange environmental happenings

SP Biloxi said...

Orange snow? Yeah, really strange.. This week I was in an area in which it rained hard and then it began to hail. And when I left that area to go home, there was no rain. It was just partly cloudly. And no other area experienced hail!

Anonymous said...

Hail or even sleet (smaller ice rain) is common in the Midwest. I really wonder what the orange snow is, when I find out I'll let you know.

airJackie said...

Gore told the world about Global Warming Bush said it wasn't happening. God stepped in and showed the world Al was right. Now Bush is stealing the Libby line of
" I didn't do it". Bush has shown the world how dumb he really is as Laura goes on TV to explain to America that Bush didn't say that. No one believes a word Bush says so he sends out his puppets to tell the lies.

SP Biloxi said...

Yeah, Chicago Native.

But it was really bizaare where I am at.

Anonymous said...

Saturday, February 03, 2007
Non-aligned Envoys Tour Iran Nuclear SiteThe United States has also increased pressure by imposing sanctions on two big Iranian banks and sending a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf."
ISFAHAN, Iran -- Six envoys representing the Non-Aligned Movement of developing nations visited a nuclear facility in Iran on Saturday as part of Tehran's attempt to be open about its disputed atomic program.
US admits Iraq almost in Civil War
Stop the Iran War before it Starts

SP Biloxi said...

"The United States accuses Iran of secretly working to make atomic bombs under cover of a civilian nuclear program to generate electricity. It has said putting Iran's nuclear activities on display would not build confidence abroad."

Yup, sounds like deja vu for the Gerbil. He accused Saddam of acquiring uranium in Niger to make WMD and now he is accusing Iran of making atomic bombs. All of the oil.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can see how this Iran thing mixed with this administration can get people worried.
That's why I read as many foreign sources as really find out what is going on, and not what gets filtered through the US, it is almost as bad as the KGB.

Anonymous said...

Gerbil speak out of control:

"Democrats found it demeaning when the president, in his State of the Union address last month, referred to the "Democrat majority," as opposed to the "Democratic majority."

"Now look, my diction isn't all that good," Bush told the 200 lawmakers who wrapped up two days away from Washington with family and aides. "I have been accused of occasionally mangling the English language. And so I appreciate you inviting the head of the Republic Party."
He got hearty laughs. And he was careful to keep the "ic" firmly tacked on for the rest of his remarks."

How can this guy be let out in public?

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

I read about how the Gerbil is reaching out to the Dems and maked fun of himself. He is only sucking up to rhe Dems because he is panhandling for more moola for Iraq.