Friday, February 02, 2007

Pelosi Statement on Black History Month

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in celebration of Black History Month:
“Today we mark the beginning of Black History Month, a time to reflect upon the courageous journey toward liberty and equality embarked upon by African Americans.
“This year’s theme, ‘From Slavery to Freedom: The Story of Africans in the Americas,’ reflects upon the hardships endured by African Americans and celebrates their many long-lasting achievements to our nation’s economic, cultural, spiritual, and political fabric. African Americans represent every aspect of this great nation’s heritage and hope.
“As we celebrate Black History Month, we recommit ourselves to the continued pursuit of freedom and equality for all. To that end, House Democrats will continue to fight for improving access to affordable health care, reducing the cost of education, diversifying the job market, and providing a secure retirement.
“We stand united behind these principles as we continue to press forward for a better America with civil, social, and economic justice for all.”


airJackie said...

Joe Biden should listen to the wise Speaker Pelosi as now we know he knows nothing about Afrian Americans. I'm sad to say things aren't going fast enough for me. At lease God doesn't allow the probems of race that we see on earth. Dr. Kings Dream was one of the best pictures I've seen as I pictured it in my mind.

SP Biloxi said...

Biden should. He also should be listening to all races.