Thursday, January 04, 2007

Negroponte resigns to become Rice deputy

In plain English, Negroponte is doing Rice's job.

“National Intelligence Director John Negroponte will resign to become deputy secretary of state, a government official said Wednesday night,” the AP reports. “Negroponte took over in 2005 as the nation’s first intelligence chief, responsible for overseeing all 16 U.S. spy agencies. He will return to his roots as a career diplomat to become the No. 2 to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the official said.” The timing of the shift is unknown, and Negroponte must be confirmed to the State Dept. position


Anonymous said...

She may need a lot more help than this.

SP Biloxi said...

More help? Rice needs to be removed from her job. She is incompetent.

Anonymous said...

OK, so she needs help getting out of town. Maybe they can send her to the ranch on a permanent vacation with the Gerbil. And Laura Bush, let Todd Urkel hire her as and advisor, they can spend time together until she has a car incident with him, or some other incident, she is gazing and grinning like she is up to no good all the time anyhow, then I want her out of town, way out of town.

Anonymous said...

Oh and we could put the bug in Laura's ear that the incident should occur in within Cook County, because Todd wants an already understaffed, over stressed Cook County Sheriff's department cut by 17%. Who knows how long if ever they will get around to this!