Thursday, January 04, 2007

Some Would Have You Believe David Brooks Is An Airhead

. and they would be right. But he is a malignant airhead. In a return to the misleading GOP serving shill that we have all come to know and detest, David Brooks serves up a sexist screed that would have you believe that since Dems like FDR and Nancy Pelosi and buffoons like George Bush were/are rich, that they are all the same:
Here an excerpt from David Brooks:

I have a dream, my friends. I have a dream that we are approaching the day when a ranch-owning millionaire Republican like George Bush will make peace with a vineyard-owning millionaire Democrat like Nancy Pelosi.
I have a dream that Pelosi, who was chauffeured to school as a child and who, with her investor husband, owns minority shares in the Auberge du Soleil resort hotel and the CordeValle Golf Club, will look over her famous strand of South Sea Tahitian pearls and forge bonds of understanding with the zillionaire corporate barons in the opposing party.


Anonymous said...

David Brookes is a big butt kissing Right Winger.

SP Biloxi said...

Don't get me started about Brooks. The biggest douchebag in the world of journalism. I hope that he is subpoenaed by Fitzgerald...

Anonymous said...

I have the feeling he scares easily!

airJackie said...

Jealousy sometimes comes out in alot of ways. Let's not forget that David is having his pockets lined for his loyalty. Now lets see the past of both rich kids. David should read Nancy's history. Bush is showing what being rich did for him. David just might be one of those journalist looking for a job soon. Next his paper realizes that the negative articles aren't working anymore.

SP Biloxi said...

"I have the feeling he scares easily!"

And a subpoena will do it...