Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Rehnquist FBI File Sheds New Light on Confirmation Battles, Drug Dependence

The late Chief Justice William Rehnquist’s Senate confirmation battles in 1971 and 1986 were more intense and political than previously known, according to a newly released FBI file that also offers dramatic new details about Rehnquist’s 1981 hospitalization and dependence on a painkiller.

Also in 1986, the FBI conducted an intensive investigation into Rehnquist’s dependence on Placidyl, a strong painkiller that he had taken since the early 1970s for insomnia and back pain. Rehnquist’s bout with drug dependence had been made public in 1981, when he was hospitalized for his back pain and suffered withdrawal symptoms when he stopped taking the drug.

The FBI’s 1986 report on Rehnquist’s drug dependence was not released at the time of his confirmation, though some Democratic senators wanted it made public. But it is in Rehnquist’s now-public file, and it contains new details about his behavior during his weeklong hospital stay in December 1981. One physician whose name is blocked out told the FBI that Rehnquist expressed “bizarre ideas and outrageous thoughts. He imagined, for example, that there was a CIA plot against him.” The doctor said Rehnquist “had also gone to the lobby in his pajamas in order to try to escape.”

The doctor said Rehnquist’s delirium was consistent with him suddenly stopping his apparent daily dose of 1400 milligrams of the drug — nearly three times higher than the 500-milligram maximum recommended by physicians. The doctor said, “Any physician who prescribed it was practicing very bad medicine, bordering on malpractice.”


Anonymous said...

And this guy was on the Supreme Court! Where do normal people work.....oh I know, not in politics!

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

Ask Judge Robert to hand over his urine since he is asking for more money. You never know...

Anonymous said...

Why did he go for the job? Federal, City, County, State, etc. jobs are locked in at a certain rate, he could have looked it up, and if you can't for some reason live off that amount, find a job that pays to support what habit or whatever living style you must keep up. This is not the private sector?

SP Biloxi said...

Good question.. But, I have a gut feeling that the Gerbil made some "promises" to Roberts. What that is? I have no idea. Roberts certainly gave up his attorney firm for a Supreme Court justice for something in return...