Wednesday, January 03, 2007

California Cow Power: Poop Pays

First cow gas may be the cause of global warming and now cow poop can be turned into fuel electricity. You think that cows are being used and abused for a personal agenda? And where are cows' first amendment rights?
The California Energy Commission has released a report on a program that transforms cow manure into power by extracting methane - a potent greenhouse gas - from bovine poop and using it to fuel electricity-generating turbines. The conclusion: Cow power can make money for dairies and make them energy self-sufficient as well as provide electricity to the grid. But - there's always a but - the Byzantine regulatory structure that favors entrenched utilities is frustrating the widespread adoption of bovine biogas.
Cow power is an alternative energy fuel that should be the perfect solution to a host of environmental problems. It takes cow manure, a widespread source of global warming - there are a couple million cows in California alone - and an environmental waste that costs farms millions of dollars a year to dispose of, and turns it into a clean, green source of electricity.


Anonymous said...

You have so much BS coming out of the Gubinators office, that should help?!

SP Biloxi said...

And you have more BS from Todd Urkel. You think that will help Todd?

Geezer Power said...

Cow power is a good way to go, I know from experience. Back in the 1960's in Santa Cruz CA these guys were running around in a flatbed truck with two barrels of pig crap on the back. They had some tubing to route the methane to the carburater and getting on down the road. I believe the cow patties would smell