Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pass the popcorn...

What the Congress Can Do for America
Let them say of these next two years: We used our time well.

Tomorrow, members of the 110th Congress will take their oaths of office here in Washington. I will have the privilege of working with them for the next two years--one quarter of my presidency, plenty of time to accomplish important things for the American people.
Together, we have a chance to serve the American people by solving the complex problems that many don't expect us to tackle, let alone solve, in the partisan environment of today's Washington. To do that, however, we can't play politics as usual. Democrats will control the House and Senate, and therefore we share the responsibility for what we achieve.
In the days and weeks since the November elections, I have been encouraged by the productive meetings I've had with many of the new leaders in Congress from both parties. I am hopeful we can find common ground without compromising our principles.
I believe we share many of the same goals for the people we serve--and with good will and hard effort, we can find practical ways to advance the American Dream and keep our nation safe.


Anonymous said...

Let's hope for the best, there certainly is no where to go but up.

SP Biloxi said...

Like I said pass the popcorn.. He used the same rheteric when he stole the election in the second term that he will work with the Democrats.. Don't hold your breath...

Geezer Power said...

I think i'm going to lose my groceries. I'm still holding my breath from the cow artical.

