Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Carne Ross’s secret statement on Tony Blair’s lies

The British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee made public Carne Ross’s statement before the Butler Committee on the the war against Iraq. This document vouches for the fact that the United Kingdom authorities have never believed that Iraq represented a threat, contrary to what they claimed before Security Council. Mr Ross is a high-level diplomat who resigned from Foreign Office in protest against Blair’s government policy. He founded the Independent Diplomat organization to advise developing countries.

Supplementary evidence submitted by Mr Carne Ross, Director, Independent Diplomat

I am in the Senior Management Structure of the FCO, currently seconded to the UN in Kosovo. I was First Secretary in the UK Mission to the United Nations in New York from December 1997 until June 2002. I was responsible for Iraq policy in the mission, including policy on sanctions, weapons inspections and liaison with UNSCOM and later UNMOVIC.

During that time, I helped negotiate several UN Security Council resolutions on Iraq, including resolution 1284 which, inter alia, established UNMOVIC (an acronym I coined late one New York night during the year-long negotiation). I took part in policy debates within HMG and in particular with the US government. I attended many policy discussions on Iraq with the US State Department in Washington, New York and London.

My concerns about the policy on Iraq divide into three:

Sworn statement on June 4th, 2004. Passed on to the The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee
on November 8th, 2006.


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