Thursday, January 04, 2007

Biloxi News Awards

My own pick of the top ten asswipes of 2006. These individuals that made me gag, barf, or have bathroom issues. Drum roll please...

1. Scooter Libby: the nanny nanny boo boo defense: for his most ridiculous and retarded defense of memory loss

2. David Brooks: the most ass kissing journalist: for jumping from political party to political party for browning points whenever the wind blows.

3.Ann Coulter: the PMS mental giant journalist: for her bizaare and insensitive journalism

4. Clarice Feldman: the gas journalist: for her brought and paid for journalism to favor the WH

5.Bill O’Reilly/Sean Hannity: tweedledee and tweedledumb journalists: for giving us faux news in the world of Gerbilville.

6. Tony Snow: the cannibis WH Press Secretary: for his off the wall press conference.

7. Arlen Specter: the father time of the elected officials: for his grandpa Simpson and butt kissing remarks about the President.

8. 109th Congress: the do nothing Congress: for doing squat for the american people for 2006.

9. Tweety Matthews: lead butt kisser of the GOP koolaid: for giving true meaning of spreading the GOP love fest on his show.

10.Tucker Carlson: the obnoxious journalist: for letting us know that there is always work at the post office and for letting us know that we can all last 15 minutes on Dancing With the Stars.

*Honorable mention: Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, corrupted elected officials of 2006, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, and Donald Rumsfield


Anonymous said...

Looks like most anyone on Fox news can get an honorable mention. That is the most one sided news network there ever was.

SP Biloxi said...

I put O'Reilly and Hannity together because they both were a tie. Yes, Fox News should been honorable mention. But, I didn't put them in that catagory since that news network is subcatagory that I can go on and on about...

Anonymous said...

I have been unable to seriously watch the Fox News Network for years. So out of touch, and one sided.